Rep basketball is an opportunity for kids to play for a team that represents BWT Rebels in games against other basketball clubs in the GTA. Unlike Competitive (1 Step Below Rep) or Skill Development (2 Steps Below Rep), Rep Basketball requires considerably more team skill development as well as more individual skill development over the season.
This means that each player needs to be prepared to play in a long season and in games where competing is one of the main goals (equal play is not guaranteed). Elite competition is not our goal, but this level of play is focused on competition and striving for success.
Team commitment is paramount, so please only commit if you think you can attend the majority of practices/games/tournaments/end-of-season events. The success of the teams really comes down to the committed players and we want to avoid having teams struggle based on taking a spot on the team at the expense of another.
The goal of our Rep Team program is to have a positive experience where one builds a sense of connection with the team and the local community where players can develop life skills while playing basketball.
What Other Programs Do You Have?
Competitive League (Boys &/or Girls)
What? - 1 Team Practice (~55 min. per session per week) + 1 Game per week which is refereed and against another team in the same league.
How Many? - 6-8 Weeks depending on the season
Who? - This program is for players comfortable playing in a house league format and organized games. There is both a Girl's and Boys' Competitive League.
What Ages?
8-11 (most players are 9-11)
12-17 (most players are 12-15)
The final breakdown of the age divisions are based on final numbers each season.
Skill Development Program (Boys &/or Girls)
What? - 1 session per week. Time is divided into skill sessions and then informal competitions, and games amongst the group.
How Long? - 50 min session per week
How Many? - 6-8 Weeks depending on the season
Who? - This program is focused on newer players and beginners. There is both a Girls' and Boys' program (if numbers allow).
What Ages?
8-11 (Mixed)
12-17 (Boys &/or girls) if numbers allow.
Mini Ballers Program (Mixed)
1 session per week. Time is divided into fun filled skill sessions and then small competitions and games within the group.
How Long?
45 minute session per week
How Many?
6-8 Weeks depending on the season.
The focus is on fun, fair, and inclusive learning about the sport of basketball. This program is made up of newer/beginner players.
The program is mixed (however mainly boys with some girls).
What Ages?
Ages 5-7 (Min. age is 5, Max. age is 7). We do not accept players <5.
Once you check out the above videos, if you have any further questions, please
E&OE (Errors & Omissions Excepted) - This information is subject to change at any time and it is the responsibility of each player, parent/guardian, or spectator to know this information.