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Winter 2015 Men's Competitive Division Playoffs

By BWT, 04/06/15, 9:30PM EDT


Check out who made it to the playoffs

The first round of playoffs for the Thursday Division began this past Thursday April 9th, 2015. Going into the playoffs the Beavers were the strongest team based on a record of 9 wins and 1 loss. High tops just follows behind with 8 wins and 2 losses.

On Thursday, the Beavers and High Tops once again demonstrated to be the leading title contenders. Congratulations to the Beavers, High Tops, Blazers and Lob City to making it to the semi-finals. Next week Thursday, April 16, 2015 the semi-finals will be played at Upper Canada College. 

The Sunday Division begins this Sunday April 12th, 2015 with Ball-Cuzzis vs. Rocksteady at Marshall McLauhan. A match that consists of two teams with similar characteristics. Ball-Cuzzis has a 3 wins and 7 losses record and Rocksteady a 4 wins and 6 losses record. 

The regular season has been exciting to watch. Thank you to all of those who participated in Winter 2015 Men's Competitive Thursday and Sunday Division. Best of luck to everyone.

The Beavers leading title contenders in the Men's Competitive - Thursday Divison

The Free Agents leading title contenders in Men's Competitive - Sunday Division